ccie voice practice labs-cisco cbt

This web site is about ccie voice practice labs, cisco cbt, cisco academy ccnp, cisco academy ccnp, ccvp.-Bargains and deals on ccie voice practice labs

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Defination of cisco ccie lab exam

cisco ccie lab exam in the news

IP Expert Mock Lab

Sun, 17 Aug 2008 18:46:38 +0000
I did the IP Expert mock lab today, and got 75. This lab was quite reasonable, but I was still making silly mistakes, but thankfully I managed to spot alot of them while I was doing the lab (although not all of them)
IP Expert give you 7.5 hours to complete the lab, but if you ...]

Meetme conference with announcing callers name facility

Tue, 08 Aug 2006 04:01:36 +0000
a. setup meetme conference, conf bridge as necessary. Let meetme number be 1900
b. setup a route point for calls from external and internal callers as the dial-in bridge number. Let this be  1800. Cfwdall this CTI route point to voice mail.
c. Setup a Call handler meetme in Unity. Under transfer settings, tell it to ring ...]

Time-Based call number translation

Tue, 09 Sep 2008 15:32:08 +0000
Végre el jött az idő, amikor EEM-t kell / lehet használni valós környezetben. A feladat az volt, hogy bizonyos számokat munkaidőn kívül más számra kell fordítani mint nap közben a Voice GW-en. Ezt a következő IOS parancsokkal tudjuk megtenni:
Az alap translation rule, ezt kellene megváltoztatni, hogy munkaidőn kívül más legyen.

voice translation-rule 1
 rule 2 /^000$/ /050004/
 rule ...]

Callforward behaviour in 4.1

Thu, 20 Jul 2006 03:30:28 +0000
Callforward All
If the Call Forward all CSS is set to none, it will concatenate the line and device CSS. This applies to settings done via the phone as well as via the CCM user page.
Callforward Busy/No-answer 
If the Callforward CSS is set to none, it does not concatenate the line and device CSS.

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IPIPGW Gatekeeper lookup

Sun, 13 Aug 2006 16:26:01 +0000
When using IPIPGW, you need to define a zone prefix to route calls. invia zones does not use the default technology.

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Our Team at NetMasterClass wants to wish you happy holidays!

Tue, 25 Dec 2007 00:12:02 +0000
Looking into 2008 we expect to see a lot of our students and partners to happily archive their goals. We would always do our best to help you on your path.

Waking up ...

*whooosh!* .. then I am awakening my hibernated CCIE 'personality'

The notebook that I mentioned is almost ready. Hopefully by tomorrow
I can start putting the dynamips to simulate my labs again.

Now is the warming up time: I need to pickup where I have left.

Lessons learned from the previous two attempts:

  • Focus!

  • Aimed and believe that you will pass

  • FAce the fact, if there is still weaknes(ses) in several areas,
    either patch it up or strengthen other area that I am more familiar with

  • Keep doing it (I read this from several post from href="">Group Study

I am still one of CCIE candidate that is using poor man's method and
approach. It is also more towards stabilizing the areas and link between
the knowledge and experience of being a CCIE itself.

Out of majority of CCIE candidate, I could be one of the odds that is
not dealing directly with all CCIE needs. My work at client's requries
me to provide service beyond my CCIE-ness.

Thus, even though I have the knowlede and skills, my clients asked me
to carry out tasks in areas outside network.

The good news is: I like doing it, so no big deal ;)

the even better news is: it give me more challenge on how to separate
between the real life needs of my work and the CCIE lab that I

I must admit that since the preparation of this CCIE track (R&S), I
have improved a lot of things in areas beyond my prediction.

Let's head back in prepration and stay tuned!

AnyConnect: Connection attempt has failed due to server certificate problem

Fri, 01 Aug 2008 11:03:29 +0000
Recently, I was asked to allow linux client workstations access into our network via WEBVPN running on our ASA.  As of this writing, the only AnyConnect versions available on Cisco’s website for download were version 2.2.0133.  The only dependency that is required for the linux version of AnyConnect is the Java Runtime Environment.  Connecting to ...]

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