ccie voice practice labs-cisco cbt

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Short Review on cisco ccie

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CCIE R&S Syllabus, Part 3

Sat, 28 Jun 2008 13:21:44 +0000
This article is a follow up to CCIE R&S Syllabus, Part 2…
Q: I’m ready to start preparing for the lab exam. Where do I begin?
A: To start preparing for the lab, you should have a good idea of what you’re up against. The CCIE lab exam isn’t merely a technical exam. The ...]

countdown to next monday!

I forgot to announce the countdown to my next attempts :)

As of now, it should be countdown from 6 to 1. Next Monday is my big day on the next attempt.

Nervous? Can't feel it ;)

I am making the statement now: I can claim that I am an 'expert' for CCIE candidancy. However, at times, I still
find some questions quite confusing. Most of the time, all of those questions turned out to be "ahhh ... just like
that", or in the more happening: "oh, so that is the meaning of that question".

Only two tasks left and those two tasks could only be carried out during exam. The first one is on how to ask
'proper' question to the proctor in order to clarify those 'confusing' questions. The second tasks is: the DocCD.

All this while, whenver I have some spare time at work, either I remote to home or I opened up the DocCD. The
second one is more likely to happen ;) I wish I could have Internet access from my client's toilet, hahaha ... but it
is not critical nor important to my client.

So far, I don't feel any 'improvements' in the DocCD skills as I have always used it for my daily tasks and
references. Before the preparation of this CCIE exam, I used DocCD for references only. During the preparation of
this exam, the DocCD has been turned just like my daily 'newspaper' that have no date and the contents never changed,
yet I like reading it just like the novel or any relaxing literature.

Am I start to sound like nuts? I always am! And I am proud to be called 'nuts' as all of my nutty ideas that
brought me up to this level (and many more exciting ideas to happen in my entire life!)

One of the nutty idea is being a (multiple) CCIE. So, this is considered a crazy ideas, either me or my close peer
that knows me :) You will know it later as I keep updating this blogs in the future and I will surely inform you all
on what happens after I have crossed the path on my first CCIE track.

If anyone of you asked, "what do you plan after you pass this CCIE?", my answer would be:

  • If you are prospective employer: here I am, ready for your disposal (with appropriate reward of course)

  • If you are my technology peer (in CCIE): I will get ready for CCIE storage ;)

  • If you are my business partner: here I am, know having this credentials and how may I help you?

  • If you are my students and you are wondering which path would secure you in the job market: follow my steps:
    go straight away as CCIE. Do not waste your time in CCNA or CCNP exam. However, there is no harm in attending
    the exam preparation, but no need to do the exam ;)

  • If you are my students and does not like networking: study hard ye lazy scum!

  • If you are my students that study areas that I teached outside networking: take this opportunity while I can (and
    willing) to share my knowledge. Squeeze my brain to 0 for your future! Challenge me for any mistakes that I did
    (purposely or coincidentally). I am still human, but I will asure you: I am teaching you some lesson here :)

  • If you are my peers at SV: get ready to have me in your area and life soon! I will surely bring something
    different that not many people would expect me to do it.

Which one are you from the above options? I will give you the chance to enjoy the benefits of having me in your
team. I am not talking big here, but when I decided to take that path and anjoy it, nothing will be able to stop me
:) If you feel you could afford me, then buzz me up or drop me a line, I will find the best way to give you the
solutions. Either I am the solution, I am part of the solution or I know someone that have that solution.

Till then ....

CME - Overlay vs Overlay with call waiting

Wed, 26 Jul 2006 04:06:30 +0000
Scenario 1
Two phones need to have a shared line. When a call is answered on the first phone and a second call comes in to the shared line, you need to have the call ring at second phone with no call waiting on the first.
ephone-dn 1
number 3001
huntstop channel
no huntstop
ephone-dn 2
number 3001
huntstop channel
preference 1
ephone 1
button ...]

IEATC-SC-COD - Day 1-1.4

Fri, 25 Jul 2008 05:08:47 +0000
Earlier this week, I managed to find some time to review a few videos. As busy I am I expect to get more than 2 hours of studying this week. 
Actual Start Time: 9:45:00AM PST
COD Time: 0:00:00
IOS Firewall
-IPv4 ACL Overview
–Standard ACL
—Match only on source IP
–Extended ACL
—Match on…
—-IP Proto Number
—-Source IP
—-Dest IP
—-Proto Options
—–TCP/UDP ports ...]

A workbook Blueprint

Sun, 20 Jul 2008 11:43:29 +0000
So now and then I see the question popping up about which R&S Lab workbook is the best.  I will ask a different question: Is there a way to objectively measure an R&S Lab workbook? 
You have probably read this again and again; it is all about the technologies! So, one of the most important workbook would ...]

ccie lab books
ccie lab boot camp
ccie lab bootcamp
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