cisco ccnp salary help
Current cisco ccnp salary News
How do prefix-lists work?
Wed, 26 Dec 2007 21:13:49 +0000
Prefix-lists are used to match on prefix and prefix-length pairs. Normal prefix-list syntax is as follows:
ip prefix-list LIST permit w.x.y.z/len
Where w.x.y.z is your exact prefix
And where len is your exact prefix-length
“ip prefix-list LIST permit″ would be an exact match for the prefix with a subnet mask of This does not ...]
Week 18 Summary + some more multicast info
Mon, 12 May 2008 21:47:22 +0000
The end of Week 18, and the end of IP Multicast! J (well, at least for now):
Week’s Study Time:
Study Hours = 15.5 inc.
Lab Hours = 1.0
Total study time so far:
Total Study Hours = 228 inc.
Total Lab Hours = 18.5
What I have studied this week:
IGMP Snooping
Anycast RP
Multicast Scoping
Recent test scores:
All IP Multicast:
Here are a few hyperlinks that ...]
Frame Relay Traffic Shaping with GTS
Mon, 21 Jan 2008 10:31:18 +0000
As first and very basic option, you may use Generic Traffic Shaping to implement FRTS. This is a common technique, not unique to Frame-Relay, with the following properties:
- Configured by using traffic-shape interface command
- As with standard GTS, internal shaper queue is basic WFQ
- Configured per inteface/subinteface (no PVC granularity)
- GTS may adapt ...]
Housekeeping Items for the CCIE Candidate Blog
Fri, 02 May 2008 22:48:50 +0000
A few housekeeping items related to the CCIE Candidate blog:
The main URL has been updated from “” to “”. The site will still work just fine to “” for quite a while, but if you link to this blog, I’d appreciate it if you’d take the time to update your blogroll to the new ...]
Sadly, the PIX Firewall is Discontinued…
Tue, 05 Feb 2008 12:02:52 +0000
What is the name that everyone thinks of when they think of firewalls? The “PIX” firewall, right?
Sadly, the PIX will be discontinued by Cisco, as of January 27, 2009. This was announced on January 28, 2008 in this Cisco Press Release. If you are a PIX owner, the good news is that Cisco will support ...]
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