ccie voice practice labs-cisco cbt

This web site is about ccie voice practice labs, cisco cbt, cisco academy ccnp, cisco academy ccnp, ccvp.-Bargains and deals on ccie voice practice labs

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

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PPP Virtual template and Frame-relay

Wed, 30 Aug 2006 06:31:41 +0000
To configure a virtual template for MLP LFI on a frame-relay subinterface, you have to remove the DLCI configured under that subinterface first before reapplying it back with the ppp keyword.
int s0/0
no frame-relay interface-dlci 30
 frame-relay interface-dlci 30 ppp virtual-template 1
Apply any LLQ, IP settings, ppp configs under the virtual template interface.

Does Verizon's Voyager stack up to the iPhone?
Keith checks out the Verizon Wireless Voyager multimedia phone, and compares it to Apple's iPhone.
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Women 4 times more likely than men to cough up personal info Digg it! 589]

Hello world!

Wed, 03 Sep 2008 16:32:04 +0000
Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

IPCC High Availability

Thu, 27 Jul 2006 16:04:56 +0000
When you install two IPCC servers the following considerations hold true:
 a. The first server you activate (CRS Engine and/or Datastore services) will become the active CRS box.
 b. The second server you activate (CRS Engine) will become the standby box for the active CRS engine.
 c. The second server you activate (Datastore engine) will become the standby ...]

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