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Sunday, June 15, 2008

ccie security boot camp For Your Reading Pleasure

Headlines on ccie security boot camp

Week 18 Summary + some more multicast info

Mon, 12 May 2008 21:47:22 +0000
The end of Week 18, and the end of IP Multicast! J (well, at least for now):

Week’s Study Time:
Study Hours = 15.5  inc.
Lab Hours = 1.0
Total study time so far:
Total Study Hours = 228  inc.
Total Lab Hours = 18.5
What I have studied this week:
IGMP Snooping
Anycast RP
Multicast Scoping
Recent test scores:
All IP Multicast:

Here are a few hyperlinks that ...]

Calling All CCIE R&S Beta Testers

Mon, 26 May 2008 22:55:50 +0000
CCIE R&S Candidates,
We are in the process of updating our products (yet again ) in order to provide you all with the most relevant material for CCIE R&S preparation. The first item slated for release is a new format for our CCIE R&S Lab Workbook Volume I (Technology Labs). I am looking ...]

MoH Scenarios

Sat, 12 Aug 2006 03:16:49 +0000
A. Unicast G711 everywhere
1. Create region for MoH. G711 with all other regions.
2. Do not enable multicast in audio source, server, MRG
3. Enable only G711 in service parameter (Default)
B. G711 multicast everywhere
1. Create region for MoH. G711 with all other regions.
2. Enable multicast in audio source, server, MRG. Set hop count to 5.
3. Enable ...]

The BlogCatalog JargonFish Widget

Mon, 07 Apr 2008 15:13:30 +0000
BlogCatalog is always on the look out for new features that can get your blog more traffic as well as enhance the value of your blog to visitors, so that they keep on coming back.
We found a tool that we think you’ll really like. BlogCatalog has partnered with JargonFish, a company that offers ...]

CME - Caller ID block

Sun, 16 Jul 2006 22:06:47 +0000
For both internal and external calls
caller-id block
* This does not apply for E1R2, because caller id blocking is a flag in the setup messages and E1R2 does not support that. This does not apply for FXO, because caller id is controllerd by Telco on FXO. Use translation patterns to change caller ID to null
Only external ...]

R&S Lab Diagrams

Thu, 17 Apr 2008 01:28:22 +0000
There are a lot of rumors floating around in regards to diagrams in the R&S CCIE lab.  Cisco officially has said little in regards to this other than the following “the lab document has L1/L2 diagrams for the physical connectivity as well as an IP or topology diagram and an IP Routing diagram”.  This is ...]

The “boredom” stage by Keith over at Ethan’s site

Mon, 09 Jun 2008 22:00:20 +0000
I good post, boredom I think hits all of us eventually!
“Random tip of the day - When you’re at a restaurant with your wife and she asks you if there’s anything on her face, “nothing worth mentioning” is not the right answer.
I seem to be going through phases. Last week I oscillated between panic and ...]

GNS3/dynamips/dynagen: configuration maker

Mon, 26 May 2008 15:08:31 +0000
Már egyszer írtam az itt található konfiguráció gyártó perl script-ről, most be is szeretném mutatni GNS3-al a működését.
A fenti linken jól le van írva, hogy a scriptet hogy kell használni. Nézzük tehát:
Először is rakjuk fel a scriptet egy olyan szerverre, vagy gépre ahol van perl. Nekem nem volt kedvem a windows-ra telepíteni, ezért a szerverünkre ...]

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